Sunday, August 9, 2009

A "Real" Debut

I awakened this Sunday morning, not entirely different from any other Sunday morning, ate breakfast and began watching my usual array of Sunday morning political news shows: "This Week", "The Chris Matthews Show", "The McLaughlin Group", and "Meet the Press". And while I have forcefully prevented myself from blogging in the past, I feel that recent events have left me no other option.

I am not sure if it was the idiocracy of the birthers, Senator Coburn's condescension when telling now Justice Sotomayor "you got some splainin to do", State Senator Miller's recommendation of using Gorilla Glue to tame the most powerful leader in the world, or the inability to gather any information from the recent town halls on health care.

First and foremost Senator Coburn, I am not sure if it was Justice Sotomayor's Latina heritage or her gender that forced you to conjure up that demeaning line from Ricky Ricardo. I am going to assume it was her heritage because that zinger wouldn't have had quite the appeal if a Latina wasn't sitting before you. I find myself afraid of your private thoughts.

To the birthers, can you not read?! How many times do you need to see the damn document before you believe what you see?

Senator Miller, who the hell voted for you? And why Gorilla Glue, why not Elmer's glue? Let me see, Gorilla....a large monkey...our president is a black man. I get it. Oh and what is Gorilla Glue used for? According to the website it is a wood glue. So basically what you want Rahm to do is stick that monkey in a tree? I can't believe no one else has called you out on your shit.

Finally to all of you who go to these town halls and cause these massive interruptions, you do realize that some of us do really want to be educated on the subject of health care. Have you stopped to think for a minute that you may actually agree with or benefit from reform. Better yet, have you taken the time to educate yourself and read the freaking bill. My guess is no.

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